Amazing Cosplay Photos

I have been following the whovian complex for sometime now, and I was browsing some of their posts and pages and found this gem!

Katie Be Cosplay Photography

If you love Dr. Who cosplay and gorgeous photos, this will make your day! Below I have a few of my favorites, but I definitely suggest checking all of them out by clicking on the link above, and if you aren’t following the whovian complex DO IT NOW! (you can thank me later)

All of these photos were taken by photographer Katie York, and don’t forget to follow her on instagram to see her other great photos, not all of which are cosplay. Now sit back and enjoy the eye candy…



I would love to find out how they made these amazing hats they are just so spot on, kudos!

Purrrrrfect! (I know its cheezy, but I couldn’t resist)

killin them fans

oh so many feels….

doctor and clara bench 4

Keep dishing out that eye candy guys the cosplay and photo quality are amazing!

Geeky Jewelry that’s not cheesy?

I went shopping around for some unique jewelry pieces that reflect my personality without looking, well….tacky. A lot of what I found was very elaborate, not anything I could wear with confidence to the office. I was looking for subtle + Dr. Who is that too much to ask? Well, needless to say I decided to make it myself!

This is what I came up with..

PicMonkey Collage

What do you think? I wish I could have found some cord with rounded embellishments, but I think this shoelace style cord with small gold square embellishments does the look justice. Plus it is super comfy. Since it is made out of cord it doesn’t slam around on my desk or keyboard when I type. And it’s neutral enough to go with just about anything! Let me know what you think, and if you like this one check out my Etsy store.

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!! If you are like me this day is super hectic. Between getting everyone’s costume and makeup done, and stressing over parties etc. It’s easy to forget about your own costume. This year my last minute costume idea was simple and quick. And if you are a Doctor Who fan you are going to love this quick costume.



I used eye liner to draw the tally marks on my face and arm to resemble the silence episodes( I kept it simple and just did a few tally marks) And of course I took along my sonic screwdriver, you know, just in case. I hope this will inspire your quick last minute costume and have a safe and spooky Halloween!!