Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!! If you are like me this day is super hectic. Between getting everyone’s costume and makeup done, and stressing over parties etc. It’s easy to forget about your own costume. This year my last minute costume idea was simple and quick. And if you are a Doctor Who fan you are going to love this quick costume.



I used eye liner to draw the tally marks on my face and arm to resemble the silence episodes( I kept it simple and just did a few tally marks) And of course I took along my sonic screwdriver, you know, just in case. I hope this will inspire your quick last minute costume and have a safe and spooky Halloween!!

Best Pumpkin Seed Recipe!!


Its the season for everything PUMPKIN! This is my favorite seasonal treat and after many years of cooking pumpkin seeds I believe this is the absolute best recipe.

Seed the pumpkin: Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Using a spoon, scrape the pulp and seeds out of your pumpkin into a bowl.

Clean the seeds: Separate the seeds from the stringy pulp, rinse the seeds in a colander under cold water, then shake dry. Don’t blot with paper towels; the seeds will stick.

Dry them: Spread the seeds in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet and roast 30 minutes to dry them out.

Add spices: Toss the seeds with olive oil, salt and your choice of spices. Return to the oven and bake until crisp and golden, about 20 more minutes.

Now go forth and get your pumpkin on!!

Don’t forget to check out our Etsy shop!

Where is Waldo? DIY costume on the cheap!!

This week the kids were instructed to dress up as a character from a book. Last year my son went as Charlie Brown, this year my husband came up with the great idea to create a Waldo costume. Of course we ran it by my son first, and he loved the idea. Waldo is such an iconic character with such a distinct look I knew we could pull it off, just had to figure out how to get the red and white striped shirt. Our first thought was to just cruise the stores, but we came back empty handed. So the next idea was to create the shirt. This is how I did it. 


Supplies needed:

1″ frog tape (multipurpose)

White cotton T-Shirt

Tulip Red Color Shot (2 cans to get a deep red color)

The first thing that I did was tear off a small piece of tape to use as a guideline for the space between the stripes. I placed the small piece of tape that I tore off at the bottom of the shirt. This gave me a reference point to start my tape. I unrolled enough tape to reach across the front of the shirt and laid it down along the top edge of the guide. Instead of cutting the tape off here I flipped the shirt over and continued my tape across the back. This way the lines would well…..line up. I repeated these steps all the way up the shirt. When I got to the collar I decided to tape it off because it was easier than trying to only paint the part showing inside the stripe.Once the shirt has been completely taped off you can start spraying your shirt with the red paint. The instructions on the can are pretty easy to follow, however I chose not to wash the shirt because I was afraid the color would bleed, and since this is just for Halloween I figured it would be alright.



The hat and cane were made by my mother-in-law (I only know how to crochet a blanket, sorry). She did mention that it was very easy to find a basic pattern for the hat. As for the cane, she crocheted around a .98 cent plastic candy cane (the ones for the yard) from Wal-Mart.

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The glasses we used were some cheap sunglasses from the dollar store with the lenses removed.


This is the finished costume. Just add a pair of blue jeans, brown shoes and you are all set!


I hope you liked this Halloween costume idea, please leave a comment and check out our Etsy store!

Halloween Spooktacular

Halloween is so much fun! I also have a blast carving pumpkins and decorating the house. This Halloween I’ve decided to make some digital content some free and some to purchase to help you guys get the most out of your Halloween. Here is a spooky gift tag to use as a cute inexpensive embellishment. You can attach it to gifts or bottles of water to add a little more ambiance to your event.  


I have also created two card templates one 4×6 and one 5×7 that are available through my Etsy store, StarrySkyCo. Keep an eye out for more goodies!

Here is a photo of the 4×6 card:


Here is a photo of the 5×7 card:
